Sunday 1 April 2012

Sunday's Escape

Ever since I got into an office job, my freedom was being taken away by my working life. So apart from Saturday and Sunday, and public holidays, the rest was gone and gone, and gone.

Whenever weekends come, I was either stuck at home or just go to certain usual places that I used to visit. But not this Sunday, where I forced myself to get the heck out there and look for some fresh view. On the board were my mum and little sis, where we first reached Damai Central, a relatively new place which offers free entrance to the public. It has a mini beach, a restaurant, a food court, a bar and 7-Eleven. However, more outlets are about to open here in near future. 

After hanging around for about and hour, I've found out this might be the upcoming location for my portraiture assignment, simply perfect.

As there's still some time before dinner, we then stopped by another beach called Pantai Puteri Santubong. There we got ourselves some colorful evening sky as dusk is closing by. The tide at this beach was about a kilometer away, so the sound of the crashing wave was so soft, there we got some silence and peace while me pressing the shutter whenever the scenery fits.

Till next time. Happy viewing!!!


Who's there?




Where to?

At Pantai Puteri Santubong

Another person with a DSLR

Mama and little sis

Portrait session

Which one's yours?

Hello there

Joy ride

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