Monday 23 April 2012

A Few Faces From Lemanak Longhouse

Yes, I do black & white photography as well, but occasionally. These were some minor collections from my 2010's trip to one of the Iban Longhouse at Batang Ai, Sarawak. It took us 3 hours of driving on the road, and another 45 minutes of long boat to reach this place. That time, I was with two of my former colleagues on an assignment to capture the life and scenery at this longhouse both in photography and videography.

The style of this shoot was more to travel/ documentary/ photojournalism approach, where I tried my best to mimic what the pros did in NatGeo.

It was an unforgettable trip though, having some memorable moments staying overnight at the longhouse, and yeah, we did have some great food too.

Happy viewing!!! 

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