Monday 30 April 2012

Yee 32°C

It's Saturday, weather was sunny, and yes, it was hot. Featuring Wan Yee from Pretty Good Morning, where she had her first official personal portrait shoot. The theme for this album is "a little lost", where Wan Yee was losing her directions in a hot and sunny day, without knowing where she's heading to.

Shooting locations were at Sejingkat area, on the other side of Kuching City. Thanks Wan Yee for her enthusiasm and effort without complaining about the hot conditions during the portrait session. Oh, another person to thank, which is Jun, for accompanying us and holding the reflector.

Happy viewing!!! 

Friday 27 April 2012

Moon & Her Violin

Her nickname is Moon, shots were taken at a local studio. Photos were pretty straightforward from the camera, converted from RAW though. The last time I had my studio sessions were during my college time. Well, I was glad to pick up the fun again returning to a studio and conduct some snappy moments, thanks to James.

Happy viewing!!!

Monday 23 April 2012

A Few Faces From Lemanak Longhouse

Yes, I do black & white photography as well, but occasionally. These were some minor collections from my 2010's trip to one of the Iban Longhouse at Batang Ai, Sarawak. It took us 3 hours of driving on the road, and another 45 minutes of long boat to reach this place. That time, I was with two of my former colleagues on an assignment to capture the life and scenery at this longhouse both in photography and videography.

The style of this shoot was more to travel/ documentary/ photojournalism approach, where I tried my best to mimic what the pros did in NatGeo.

It was an unforgettable trip though, having some memorable moments staying overnight at the longhouse, and yeah, we did have some great food too.

Happy viewing!!! 

Sunday 22 April 2012

Earth Day 22.04.12

Not long ago we have Earth Hour, and today, it's Earth Day. Presenting here are some fine art nature stills, taken not long ago. These photos were taken by my good ol' Canon EOS 30D with EF Macro 100 mm f2.8 USM lens, shot in RAW format, converted to JPEG then tweaked a little using Adobe Photoshop.

The colors remain faithful to the actual thing. Our home, Earth is a wonderful and beautiful place, so try your very best to make our planet a greener habitat to live in. We all share the same responsibilities.

Happy Earth Day & happy viewing!!!

Saturday 21 April 2012

Flashback: Pretty Good Morning

No shoot for me this weekend, a recap for Pretty Good Morning. I believe I got something to share to you next week, for the mean time, do stay tuned.

Happy viewing!!!

The proud mom with 3 beautiful daughters (5 actually, the other 2 are at overseas)

Thursday 19 April 2012

Morning, Misty

It was one early morning, my initial plan was to produce a portrait by the beach. And I was expecting it would be either sunrise or an overcast day. But when we reached our destination, the mist has gathered up and it became thicker and thicker. So, change of plan.

The thick mist has rendered an idea in my mind thus I came up with this album based on the "misty" theme. In order to enhance the theme, I asked Mary to show me more of her signature"poker face" and posed a little awkwardly. The colors of the picture has been toned down and residing to a bluish tone, so it feels a little chilly when you're viewing these photos (It was quite a cold morning though).

Happy viewing!!!

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Natalie's Graduation

Last year in October, a day after Natalie graduated from Swinburne University Sarawak. We went to town, back home and the campus for quick portrait session, as she's returning the robe by late afternoon.

She's now working as an agent at Vestor Realty PTE LTD, Singapore. Hope she's doing fine over there. Happy viewing!!!

Monday 16 April 2012

Monday No Blues

"Meh, here comes another Monday", when I woke up this morning and yes, it's Monday. Well, here I have another post featuring Mary, who appeared in various portraiture albums that I have created, and this was taken during one Monday, last year. 

The theme of this album is all about being happy, sunny and youthful. Have yourself a good Monday, without blues, of course. Happy viewing!!!

Sunday 15 April 2012

Fourteen Days Old

I photographed this yesterday, when they were two weeks old. If I am not mistaken, they were born on either 1st or 2nd of April 2012. Since their mommy is a quite gentle female cat, so I "borrowed" them for a short "portrait session'.

They're simply adorable, aren't they? Have a nice day.

This Is My Card

I had these printed on last Friday, Friday the 13th. When it comes to designing a name card/ business card, I always hope that I can create a fancy and stylish one so that whenever people look at it at first impression, the image and information of the card will lock-on to the audience mind instantly, in the other way of saying, memorable. 

After certain stages of concept and design works, I finally decided to keep it simple for my name card. I applied my favorite black and red onto the white background, which created a very strong combinations of powerful colors.

So this set of name card is going to be the first 100 pieces edition, once they're finish distributed, I'm going to produce another design from time to time. Wish me luck, so that I can "clear my name" in a short period.

Nice to meet you all.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Pretty Good Morning

It's Saturday morning, I was expecting one girl to be my portraiture subject of the day. Then I received call from Jun, and she told me that she and her sisters had arrived at the venue, so in the end I got myself 3 "subjects" for the morning shoot. I said to myself; why not? The more the merrier, isn't it =)

It's a pretty straightforward photo session, with a Japanese Garden as the backdrop. Weather is sunny and cheerful, thus came up with this little bit mixture of Japanese and Taiwanese photography style.

Featuring in this post are Yee, Jun and Yuan. I bet you can see their resemblance.

Happy viewing!!!

Chap Goh Mei, Night

The first and the last day of Chinese New year are the most important days of the festival. Since I have created  The Cheongsam Sisters  from the previous post, so this one is going to conclude my Chinese New Year themed photography assignment.

Taken during the night where the lights were turned on to cheer up Chap Goh Mei festival, at Siniawan old town, Bau district.

Happy viewing!!!

Thursday 12 April 2012

The Cheongsam Sisters

I had this wonderful photography assignment executed right before this year's Lunar New Year, thanks to these two lovely models in Chinese traditional costumes. The shooting location is at a Chinese Temple at Beliong, Samarahan. We drove all the way from city to this location, as I wanted to capture a more unique environment and applied them into my photographs.

If you've seen my posts earlier, you might spot a familiar face, that's Esther, the one in blue Cheongsam. The other girl is her elder sister, Aderine. Just to let you know, the Cheongsam that they were wearing belong to their mother, and yes, their mother is still in a slim figure.

Hope you enjoy viewing the photos below. Happy viewing!!!

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Mary, Eighteen

Mary celebrated her 18th birthday this April, and she kind of hooked on Hello Kitty recently.

The pictures say it all. Happy viewing!!!


Once again, this is an old work of mine at yet another deserted premises. This was taken at a demolished old prison which was built in year 1882.

Happy viewing!!!

Last Christmas

Last Christmas, 2011, with Esther for the second time. Appreciate her willingness for being my version of "Santarina". Basically we  did the sessions at local malls. As it was raining heavily on that particular day, we only stay indoor and used the existing decorations as backdrop.

Till next Christmas. Happy viewing!!!

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Arman, One

Baby Arman turned 1-year-old birthday on 28th January 2012. It was such a warm and colorful party, prepared by his dearest mother, Tenty.

Happy viewing!!!

Thursday 5 April 2012


I photographed this on the same day where at first I was photographing Pamela. Her name is Sharon, the other girl besides Pamela, and this was taken at a different location, but not far away from Carpenter Street. Sharon is simply an energetic girl with a very sweet smile, don't you agree?

Happy viewing!!!


Bad weather doesn't mean you can't go out there and capture some good photographs. This post will proof that bad weather creates a dramatic and dynamic effect on your pictures. Featuring here is Vincent, where he had his first outdoor portraiture.

Happy viewing!!! 

Wednesday 4 April 2012

A Friend's Wedding 08/01/2011: Jackson + Wendy

Last year's story, when I received an invitation to my schoolmate's wedding reception. This was his second wedding dinner as the first one is held at Sydney, Australia. I wasn't the official photographer for this short event, however, I did frame some great moments throughout the reception.

Happy viewing!!!

Gone, Soon

I have a thing into abandoned places, the more it's torn apart, the more I love it. Here's a series of photographs featuring Mary at a site that's about to be cleared. 

The site was totally leveled to the ground a day right after that.

Happy viewing!!! 

Jun's Outing

Featuring friendly and charming Jun, a colleague and a friend of mine. We went all the way to a national park, about 30 kilometers away from town to conduct this portrait session. The park used to be a busy place for families to have their picnics and gatherings here, but now it's just like another deserted park...

However, we all had a great time in this lush and green nature. Happy viewing!!!

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Actual Day Wedding 26/12/2011: Gordon + Lydia

My last wedding job, last year. It was a last minute call (3-4 days) before the actual wedding date. Gordon was introduced by some of my friends and he got interested in my work. His actual wedding day fell on 26th December 2011, and it was a public holiday, since I was available so I accepted this assignment.

It was a pleasure covering Gordon's wedding, thanks to him for appointing me. Happy viewing!!!

Monday 2 April 2012


Pamela is one of local's popular model that everybody loves. These photos were taken back in 2010 with few other fellow photographers at Carpenter Street, one of Kuching's oldest street. She really does know how to pose professionally, which make it hassle-free when it comes to directions.

Happy viewing!!!

Esther Lo, First

This was the first time I met Esther, dated back in November 19, 2011. Despite it was her first time "modelling", she did just fine without excessive directions from me. That time I was having this portrait session alongside with her uncle, James at the Kuching State Library area.

The weather that time was sunny and it worked nicely with Esther's cheerful personality. The most attractive part about her is her big and shiny eyes which seemed to "speak and tell" by just looking or staring at you. 

It was such a pleasure collaborating with Esther as she's just good at being herself and being natural. Stay tuned for her next 2 round of portraits which I'm going to post next time.

Happy viewing!!!

Final Light Of 2011

Office's schedule just got hectic and worse, I don't have free time to organize a new portrait session that soon. So instead of waiting for my personal free time to come, I'm going to post some of my previous works for the time being.

This series of photos were taken back then on the last day of 2011, so as you can see from the pictures, they're kind of moody and gloomy, portraying the feeling of bidding goodbye to 2011 and welcoming an unknown 2012.

Talent: Mary Tan

Happy viewing!!!

Sunday 1 April 2012

Sunday's Escape

Ever since I got into an office job, my freedom was being taken away by my working life. So apart from Saturday and Sunday, and public holidays, the rest was gone and gone, and gone.

Whenever weekends come, I was either stuck at home or just go to certain usual places that I used to visit. But not this Sunday, where I forced myself to get the heck out there and look for some fresh view. On the board were my mum and little sis, where we first reached Damai Central, a relatively new place which offers free entrance to the public. It has a mini beach, a restaurant, a food court, a bar and 7-Eleven. However, more outlets are about to open here in near future. 

After hanging around for about and hour, I've found out this might be the upcoming location for my portraiture assignment, simply perfect.

As there's still some time before dinner, we then stopped by another beach called Pantai Puteri Santubong. There we got ourselves some colorful evening sky as dusk is closing by. The tide at this beach was about a kilometer away, so the sound of the crashing wave was so soft, there we got some silence and peace while me pressing the shutter whenever the scenery fits.

Till next time. Happy viewing!!!
