Tuesday 12 June 2012

Paleokastritsa Monastery, Corfu

Second visited place at Corfu, it's the Paleokastritsa Monastery. It was built on top on a green hill above the beach of Paleokastritsa (it's quite hard to pronounce and remember this word), and it gives a majestic view of the island and the sea.

The premise was dated back in 1228, has a small museum with rare Byzantine icons, holy books and other relics. Plus, there's a few sleepyhead cats lazing around each corner of the monastery.

Kindly check out the previous post here. Thank you.

Happy viewing!!!

Greek pooches

Love locked

Bluish, Greenish, Turquoise see-through water, amazing view indeed

One photo for the memory

Thanks Woon for this photo, love it

In front of the monastery

Foliage everywhere

Awesome Bougainvillea flowers crawling on the walls and roofs

Greek cat, first encounter

Enjoy the summer sunshine

Inside the cathedral

Say your prayer

Wish I had a garden like this, so refreshing

Bougainvillea art


Right: Greek man with thick beard, cool

All cats are sleepy and lazy...

The artist trying to sell his work

Wei got excited when he saw a black Prius

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