Thursday 27 December 2012

Actual Day Wedding 08/12/2012: Jeffery & Jasmine

Jeffery, my secondary school friend got wed this December 8th, 2012. He whom I haven't met for quite a while contacted me weeks ago and appointed me as his wedding day's photographer. When we were actually meet up the other day i was so surprised to see him that he didn't actually age a bit, he looks just like how he was in form 5. I guess he must be living a cheerful and happy life to keep his young look. Anyway, it was an honor covering your wedding as an old friend, and thrilled that you've found your lifetime partner.

This post also marked the first where I have the chance to capture special "staged-up" moments where the bridegroom was "grooming up" before heading to meet the bride.

Happy marriage, and happy viewing!!!

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Santababy Mirabella

This year, my Christmas theme portraiture reserved to a special someone, my dear daughter Mirabella. Since she's still in newborn period, I took this chance to document some lovely portraits of her in conjunction with this Christmas.

I also want to take this opportunity to wish all my family members, my friends and my existing clients a warm and wonderful Merry Christmas 2012.

Happy viewing!!!

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Week 38

November 28th, 2012 was a joyous day for me and my family, where my wife gave birth to a beautiful and healthy daughter, her name is Mirabella Boon. The posted photos are a brief story of the moments from where my wife was being admitted to the delivery ward and some portraits of Mirabella.

Happy viewing!!!

Saturday 1 December 2012

Week 37

My first ever "maternity" portraiture in my record, and I had it reserved to the best candidate ever, my wife. Everything was conducted in a simple way with personal touch. I am really lucky that I had this session done just in time before our baby daughter was born, this November 28th 2012. Other than that, I am thankful to her for carrying a precious life in her belly for the past 37 weeks + 4 days. I love you.

Happy viewing!!!

Friday 16 November 2012

Ottilia la Ballerina

Second album on ballet and ballerina, featuring Ottilia who also starts learning ballet since she was six years old. Many thanks to Ottilia for spending her precious morning for this outdoor / indoor session, she showed much determination during that time as she did her moves up to perfection. The other appreciation goes to Hilda, her sister, an ex-ballerina for assisting on the lighting and monitoring the ballet moves all the way. The more I got involved in ballet portrait photography, the more I love it, and I can't wait to produce more portrait projects like this.

Happy viewing!!!

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Actual Day Wedding 06/10/2012: Andy + Mandy

October's first actual day wedding assignment, featuring Mandy and Andy. A warm appreciation to the newly married couple for assigning me to cover their important day, and another thanks to JEss Vcj and Steven Eu for recommending me as official photographer of the day.

Congrats to both of you, and happy viewing!!!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Some Other Night

Playing with a little bit of digital imaging in this post, and some cinematic effort.

Happy viewing!!!

Sunday 4 November 2012


A sunny portrait session with a special girl at a familiar place, featuring Michelle. A recent-graduate Graphic Designer and also a fashionista. She's best known for her unique attitude and personality which will definitely leave an impression to anyone who knows her. She said this was her first portrait shoot, but she seems so natural throughout the morning, bravo girl. Thanks for accepting the invitation.

Happy viewing!!!

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Thursday 4 October 2012

Julie Christina

Featuring Julie Christina Ley, whom I knew for the first time. I knew her through James Lo, who be the "tour guide" of Sekama for that Saturday morning. The theme is pretty simple and straightforward, with the portrait subject merging with the surroundings. Sekama is one of the remaining old streets in Kuching, besides Padungan, Ang Cheng Ho, Kenyalang Park and Carpenter street. Despite it was first shoot for Julie, she performed naturally and smiled all the way. Thanks to her time and effort for being our portrait subject of the day.

Happy viewing!!!

Sunday 30 September 2012

Our Mid-Autumn

These were taken approximately a week before the actual day of Mid-Autumn Festival 2012. Featuring Aderine & Esther, where they had their very own lantern moments.

Happy viewing!!!

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Friday 14 September 2012

Nissan Livina X-Gear (Overview)

I was on leave on Friday, September 14th. Had some free time, while waiting to fetch my wife from work, I sent my car for a complimentary car wash, standard polish and wax.

After the car wash personnel called me up to claim my car, there's still like 2 hours left. So since the car has been touched-up, I had my camera with me, then I thought it'll be fun to photograph the portrait of my car. However, this is not a "complete" session as I didn't focus on the close-ups, details and interior. 

These are my "personal moments" with my car. Happy viewing!!!

Ma's Birthday 13.09.2012

Mama turned 56 yesterday. Just a simple but warm celebration at home. We got her a bouquet of lily, a rainbow jelly cake and a takeaway dinner.

Hope you had a great day yesterday, love you.

Happy viewing!!!


Tuesday 4 September 2012

Closer To Jun

This was the second attempt, thankfully we did it successfully. The story goes back to 2 weeks ago when I proposed Jun to be my "rising" model. The first attempt failed due to a rainy and gloomy morning, so we had to called it off on the phone.

Last Saturday, the breaking dawn turned out fantastically good and the lighting produced a wonderful result on that day's portrait session. Jun looked simply lovely in this very simple Stars and Stripes top, bottomed with a hot pants and a pair of polka dots shoes. I must really thank her double time for willing to wake up real early in the morning and stay energetic throughout the shoots. Another appreciation goes to Robin the boyfriend for accompanying her and, holding the reflector, haha.

And yes, never doubt this phrase; "Early bird gets the worms".

Happy viewing!!!

Sunday 2 September 2012

Faraway (With Mary)

Last Friday, on the 31st of August 2012, and it was public holiday in Malaysia. We went to a faraway place to have the photography session conducted. 

Featuring Mary on a moody evening, who has been months away since the last portrait session during Chinese New Year. She's donning her newly dyed hair, a Union Jack Top with hot pants bottom, and a pair of sweet sneakers. Theme is sort of escaping and away, doing my best to keep everything simple and clean. Got to thanks her get on board and suffering from some mosquito / insects bite.

Happy viewing!!!

Saturday 1 September 2012

Sunday's Petals

Woke up to a beautiful and sunny Sunday, what could be better than this. My mother called me to take a look at the pumpkin flower (the one in yellow). After I posted 2 photos to Instagram, I decided to unleash my DSLR and capture the pumpkin flower and some other flowers around the house. These were produced by Canon EOS 7D with EF 100mm f2.8 Macro USM.

Happy viewing!!!

Saturday 25 August 2012

Ester's Birthday 25/08/2012

On August twenty fifth, it's Ester's birthday. Many happy returns and love you always.

Happy birthday!!!

Friday 24 August 2012

That Evening

Today's, 24/06/2012. Friday evening, cloudy, overcast, hazy, moody, and caption free.

Happy viewing!!!

Thursday 23 August 2012

Tenty The Lady

Tenty captured in candid moment, while she's having a conversation with some personnel in charge at site. Love this picture as it's showing Tenty's character naturally.

She sure has the look of a leading lady, eh?

Happy viewing!!!

Jun At The Front Desk

Jun, as her real self in the office at her workstation. I captured this through the glass wall of "aquarium" conference room after I'm done with some photography job. Color was toned to create a special mood which suits her look on that particular day, and also to cover up the bad interior lighting that time.

Happy viewing!!!

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Home Cook Risotto

This Ramadan holiday, we get a taste of home cook Mushroom Risotto, courtesy of my cousin, Boy (nickname). Boy was back home for a short break from where he's currently serving as an Executive Chef at OTTO Ristorante, an Italian Restaurant chain at Singapore. 

Risotto is a traditional Italian dishes cooked in broth to creamy consistency, and may mix with variety of vegetables, fish or meat based. Most risotto contain Parmesan cheese, butter, and onion, and it is one of the most common ways of cooking rice in Italy.

Just when I heard that Boy is preparing a meal at home, so I decided to document this and post it here for the joy of sharing.

Happy viewing!!!

The main ingredients, minus white wine

Friday 17 August 2012

Petronas Twin Towers, Night & Day, KLCC

Last year, 2011. These two panoramic photographs were taken for the PETT Gallery content usage. Due to official duty, I was lucky enough to capture these 2 scenes in 2 sessions respectively from Traders Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. For your info, each picture was taken in 5-7 frames vertically from left to right and combined in Adobe Photoshop. I hope you enjoy the view as much as I did.

Happy viewing!!!

Note: All photographs © Demitri Boon He Yang. Please do not manipulate or misuse the pictures without permission of the copyright owner. Thank you for your cooperation.

Canon EOS 5D MKII w/ EF 17-40 f4L

Saturday 11 August 2012

Cool Dew

Woke up quite early in the morning, realized that it's a gloomy day. All of a sudden I had a mood for a little bit of macro photography. However I only manage to get 2 shots before it started to rain.

Both 2 photos were taken with camera mounted on tripod and triggered with a shutter release cable.

Happy viewing!!!

Recap: An Afternoon With Esther

Last July, check out the complete set here.

Happy viewing!!!

Recap: The Journalist

Last May, with Xiao Yuan from my photography assignment, The Journalist.

Happy viewing!!!

Monday 6 August 2012

The Last Day Of July 2012

This is Fui Ching, but we all call her Ching in short. She was a talented graphic designer cum illustrator at where I currently work. It is inevitable that one day when one of your best buddies in office resigns and pursuing his or her dreams. Well, Ching is leaving the company to help up with her family businesses, and we all feel happy for her and wishing her all the best should one day she becomes the "Lady Boss".

Here's her "last day" moments. Thanks for being our lovable and fun colleagues, and being my best "neighbor" for the past one year.

Happy viewing!!!

Final assignment

Saturday 4 August 2012

The Lee Siblings

Last Sunday with my sister-in-law's children. The main focus of the day, it was none other than the ever adorable twin brothers, Ethan and Ewan.

Happy viewing!!! 

From left: Edmund, Chris, Ewan, Ethan and their mother

Friday 3 August 2012

Aderine & A Date With The Sunset

Here comes part 2 of the Saturday (28/07/2012) evening shoot. While it was raining heavily at Kuching, we were blessed with plenty of sunshine till the darkness. The best part of that day was, we had a moment of spectacular sunset that enhanced the shoot even more.

Special thanks to Esther for carrying the reflector and the 580 EXII this round. I hope she's okay with the assisting as she's usually the person who was posing in front of the camera.

Lucky you, Aderine. Happy viewing!!!

Thursday 2 August 2012

The Moon On Day-15

Photographed with my good old Canon EOS 30D w/ EF 70-300 f4-5.6 IS USM. 

Date: 02/08/2012

300mm at 50% crop (1/500, f5.6, ISO 200)

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Aderine & The Sunshine

"Finally!" She said the other day.

This is Aderine, elder sister of Esther Lo, and her very first solo photography album. We went all the way to Damai Central to have two photo sessions done until the sun goes down, last Saturday. Weather was cooperating well with us at the coastal area while it's raining heavily back in the town area. 

Alright, enough with the words. Why don't I let Aderine's sweet smile cheer up your day.

This is part one. Happy viewing!!!

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Come Away With Me (Feat. Phei Sze)

Saturday morning, with Phei Sze. She's currently graduated with a Diploma In Graphic Design, and soon she'll be having her Degree course at the UK. While she's having a short holiday, I invited her for an outdoor portrait session at various places that I feel fit. 

Appreciate her willingness to pose under the hot weather, and simply love her "sad face". Even she herself said that while browsing through the camera LCD panel. 

Wishing you all the best in your studies, and do enjoy yourself over there. Happy viewing!!!

Sunday 29 July 2012

At Kuching Festival 2012

Last Friday at the Kuching Festival. It's an annual event happening around July-August at the Kuching Municipal Council Hall. The event is also known as Kuching Food Festival where major local restaurants, cafe and eateries will sell their products through the at designated temporary stalls. The festival always attract large crowd from 6 pm onward and it is very difficult to look for any available seats.

This is not a full coverage on the event itself, I was there to have some simple dinner with my wife and strolled around the premise. 

Here are some snapshots from the fest, just feel like sharing with you all. Happy viewing!!!

Crowd starts to gather

Wednesday 25 July 2012

An Evening With Esther

A lovely girl with a pretty smile lightens up the moody evening at a local park. This session was taken after An Afternoon With Esther before we called it a day. 

Initially I was trying to use available light only for this session but only found it too dull for the ambient, so I decided to do it the strobist way (off camera flash) to brighten up the pictures. Special thanks to Aderine for holding the 580 EXII.

Happy viewing!!!